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Config file overview.

import { RGBA } from './shared-types';
import { Vector3Mp } from './vector3';

/** Reduce or increase this, to globally change the loot, upgrade and every other prices. */
export const priceMultiplier = 1.0;

export const SharedConfig = {
DoorManager: {
StreamRange: 5, // Increase / Reduce this if you want it to be rendered more closer or far. [PERFORMANCE]
EnterRange: 1.5, // Enter / Exit Player Range.
EnterKey: 38, // Enter / Exit Control key.
LockKey: 311, // Locking Control key.
LockRange: 2, // Locking Player Range.
BuyMenuKey: 20, // Farm buy menu (info panel) open Control key.
BuyMenuRange: 2, // Farm buy menu (info panel) Player Range.
tickerMS: 1000 // Tick every one sec, to map the closest doors to be rendered. [PERFORMANCE]
AnimalFarm: {
MaximumOwnable: 2, // Maximum farm to be owned by a player.
InteriorPosition: new Vector3Mp(2000.37, 4831.13, 3.47),
WaterTipFillTimeMS: 10000, // Miliseconds to take, to fill a single bucket. (with tip)
maximumWater: 150, // Maximum liters in the water trough.
fillWithBucket: 20, // How much liter water to fill with a single bucket.
maximumFood: 100, // Maximum food in the food trough.
fillWithBag: 15, // How much kg. food to fill with a single bag.

* Generate extra hidden variable. This is a hidden variable, not showed anywhere. With this variable, the animals will not age the same as the other.
* Lower the value is better for you.
* check *ageDecrease* variable in the tickers. It multiplies it.
* So if the extra is 0.6 then age will decrease slower = -2 age / hour then it will become = 2 * 0.6 = 1.2 minus age percentage per hour.
* If you do not understand the meaning of this value, do not modify this because you can fuck up many things with it.
extraGenerator: { min: 0.6, max: 1.0 },
DimensionManager: {
DefaultDimension: 0, /** This is routing bucket basically. Set it to your default one. (0 should be) */
Raycast: {
refreshMs: 100, // This is MS, reduce this, will become easier to target the entities. (Higher = More Performance) [PERFORMANCE]
distance: 10, // Distance to find targets (Measured from the gameplay camera coords, and depends on the which camera you use, if you use the far one, maybe 10 will be small.)
spriteSize: 80000, // If you reduce it it will become bigger. Calculate made: Resolution X/Y / spriteSize = drawSprite size. (ex: 1920/80000 = 0.023)
spriteDict: 'mphud',
spriteName: 'spectating',
spriteColor: ({ r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 200 } as RGBA),
InteractionKey: 38, // Interaction key with the objects / peds.
Player: {
DisabledKeysWhileTool: [21,22,24,25,44,45] //
ObjectManager: {
TextDistance: 5, // Increase / Reduce this if you want it to be more closer or far to render the Object texts. (and be added to the @StreamedObjects Map) [PERFORMANCE]
tickerMS: 1000 // Tick every one sec, to map the closest objects to be rendered. [PERFORMANCE]
Composter: {
maximumWeight: 250, // Maximum composter size
shitSpawnChance: 25, // percentage / animal to spawn
shitSpawnMs: 60000 * 30, // Spawn ticker interval [PERFORMANCE]
maximumShitAmountOnGround: 10, // Maximum shits to be on the ground. / paddock [PERFORMANCE]
plusCompostAmount: { min: 2, max: 3 }, // They are dinosaurs, do not worry, these shits are big ok?. Amount to add into the composter, when you collected a shit.
pricePerWeight: Math.floor(5 * priceMultiplier) // Price per weight, so if you gain 5kg weight by picking up one shit, you will get 5*5 dollars = $25
Loot: {
EggPricePerBox: { min: Math.floor(200 * priceMultiplier), max: Math.floor(250 * priceMultiplier) },
MealPricePerBox: { min: Math.floor(8800 * priceMultiplier), max: Math.floor(10000 * priceMultiplier) },
MilkPricePerBox: { min: Math.floor(350 * priceMultiplier), max: Math.floor(425 * priceMultiplier) }
Tickers: { // Increasing / Reducing these interval timers, can cause or gain performance for your server performance if you need.
TroughsTickerMS: 60000 * 60, // Water & Food trough(s) ticker. It loops through all of the farms->paddocks->troughs [PERFORMANCE]
HungerAndThirstMS: 60000 * 60, // Animal reduce effects ticker. It loops through all of the farms->paddocks->animals(& alive) [PERFORMANCE]
EggTickerMS: 60000 * 60 * 3 // Egg generate ticker. It loops through all of the farms->paddocks->animals(chicken & alive) [PERFORMANCE]
Animals: {
COW: {
NAME: 'Cow',
IMG: 'cow.svg',
DESCRIPTION: 'Product: Milk (gather)\nWater needs: High\nFood needs: Medium\nHealth needs: High\nLifetime: 14-18 years',
PRICE: Math.floor(10000 * priceMultiplier),
MODEL: 'a_c_cow',
SELL_PRICE: Math.floor(1000 * priceMultiplier),

minimumMilkToGather: 30,

milk_HungerMultiplier: 0.01,
milk_ThirstMultiplier: 0.03,
milk_HealthMultiplier: 0.04,
milk_ageMultiplier: 0.04,

ageDecrease_default: 0.25,
ageDecrease_thirstMultiplier: 0.03,
ageDecrease_hungerMultiplier: 0.015,
ageDecrease_healthMultiplier: 0.04,

hungerDecreaseAmount: { min: 10, max: 13 }, // How much hunger unit(percentage%) decrease per tick.
thirstDecreaseAmount: { min: 15, max: 20 }, // How much thirst unit(percentage%) decrease per tick.

hungerIncreaseAmount: 20,
thirstIncreaseAmount: 15,
PIG: {
NAME: 'Pig',
IMG: 'pig.svg',
DESCRIPTION: 'Product: Meal (gather)\nWater needs: Medium\nFood needs: High\nHealth needs: Low\nLifetime: 15-20 years',
PRICE: Math.floor(7500 * priceMultiplier),
MODEL: 'a_c_pig',
SELL_PRICE: Math.floor(2750 * priceMultiplier),

weight_HungerMultiplier: 0.006,
weight_ThirstMultiplier: 0.003,
weight_HealthMultiplier: 0.0025,
weight_ageMultiplier: 0.0025,

ageDecrease_default: 0.1,
ageDecrease_thirstMultiplier: 0.015,
ageDecrease_hungerMultiplier: 0.025,
ageDecrease_healthMultiplier: 0.01,

hungerDecreaseAmount: { min: 16, max: 21 }, // How much hunger unit(percentage%) decrease per tick.
thirstDecreaseAmount: { min: 10, max: 13 }, // How much thirst unit(percentage%) decrease per tick.

hungerIncreaseAmount: 25,
thirstIncreaseAmount: 17,
NAME: 'Chicken',
IMG: 'chicken.svg',
DESCRIPTION: 'Product: Egg (passive)\nWater needs: Low\nFood needs: Low\nHealth needs: Medium\nLifetime: 5-8 years',
PRICE: Math.floor(1000 * priceMultiplier),
MODEL: 'a_c_hen',
SELL_PRICE: Math.floor(100 * priceMultiplier),

egg_HungerMultiplier: 0.1,
egg_ThirstMultiplier: 0.1,
egg_HealthMultiplier: 0.2,
egg_ageMultiplier: 0.05,

ageDecrease_default: 1.1,
ageDecrease_thirstMultiplier: 0.02,
ageDecrease_hungerMultiplier: 0.02,
ageDecrease_healthMultiplier: 0.03,

hungerDecreaseAmount: { min: 10, max: 20 }, // How much hunger unit(percentage%) decrease per tick.
thirstDecreaseAmount: { min: 10, max: 20 }, // How much thirst unit(percentage%) decrease per tick.

hungerIncreaseAmount: 10,
thirstIncreaseAmount: 15,