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Process / Job description

Short explanationā€‹

Needed vehicle: bobcatxl


  1. Gather fruits from trees
  2. Buy the neccessary tools(later on: objects) and put them on a vehicle, if you do not have a vehicle then you can rent from an npc
  3. Place down the objects
  4. Start grinding your gathered fruits, you have to place an opened barrel (blue) next to the grinder where the grinded fruit juice will go
  5. Pour the bucket from the barrel into the Distillery
  6. Heap up the Distillery, it should be around 80-100cĀ° to be able to start the distilling process
  7. Place an empty bucket next to the Distillery faucet
  8. Open the faucet to allow the fluid to come out into the bucket
  9. Store or mix the bucket contents inside of a wooden barrel
  10. Leave the wooden barrel so it will age with time


  1. Place down the bottler
  2. Put an empty bottle to one of the slot
  3. Put down the wooden barrel next to the bottler (so it will suck the fluid out)
  4. Start a bottling process
  5. Grab the filled bottle and put it into a crate


  • You can sell the wooden barrel(s)
  • You can sell the crates with bottles in it