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Installing & dependencies.


Please do not rename the resource, leave it as: av_advanced_crypto. If you rename the resource, maybe you will have some errors, and you wont receive notification(s) about the updates.


  • NodeJS (for installing with npm.)
  • Server version atleast 4752. (to support lua54 & escrow)
  • Aquiver module supported framework & mysql resource. See: Aquiver module compatibles


  1. Extract the .zip and copy the folder in your fivem resources folder.
  2. Import the .sql file into your database.
  3. Modify the translation files. path: source-files\shared\@types
  4. Set your framework and sql resource in the server.ts file.
  5. Set your framework in the client.ts file.
  6. Run the full_install.bat file. path: dev/full_install.bat. This will automatically install the required modules & compile the script to Javascript.


Locales: source-files/shared/@types/shared-translations.ts