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Installing & dependencies.


  • NodeJS (for installing with npm.)
  • Server version atleast 4752. (to support lua54 & escrow)


  1. Extract the .zip and copy the folder in your resources folder.
  2. Install the npm dependencies, open a terminal in the folder avp_login_reward and type npm install.
  3. Do not close the terminal, type npm run build, this will build the lua files and the NUI also. (Vue-Vite)
  4. Import the .sql file into your database.
  5. Modify the locales, they are located in the locales folder.
  6. start avp_login_rewards


If you have a multicharacter resource, then you will have to modify the GetIdentifier function in the config.lua file. Otherwise they will be the same on each character.

Lua bundling


Modifying a .lua file which is located in the source folder will not apply instantly, you have to recompile the lua files with the npm run build command. (terminal)


config and the locales are applied 'runtime', you do not have to recompile the things again.

Creating new reward

  • Do not forget to add the image file in the path: source/cef/src/assets/img
You should register the rewards in a shared file. (like config.lua)
addReward(1, {
name = "Moneybag",
description = "Contains $500",
img = "money.png",
cb = function(source)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
if not xPlayer then return end

xPlayer.addAccountMoney("bank", 500)