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Basic things to know about the Crypto resource.



This resource is standalone, so it is not linked to any framework, comes from that you will need to adjust some functions to fit your server, explanations below.


The whole resource uses an API to work. If the API server is down then the resource will not work !


  • 'Real' crypto currency prices, we are using crypting-up api.
  • Wallet hash generated for the players, players can send crypto to online players with targetId, or offline with the target's wallet hash.
  • Payments history, outgoing-incoming.
  • Crypto transactions history, when someone buys/sells a crypto it is showed to everyone with his wallet hash.
  • Crypto price history chart, we are 'manually' saving the prices when the update happens, we could not find a free crypto-history api, so we implemented our 'system'. This means, if your server is not running, then it does not saves that days history.
  • There is a custom 'cryptobalance' linked to your wallet, we needed this because we are using 3 decimals for the prices, and we did not wanted to mess with your server bank system, so you will need to top up your crypto account's balance to buy cryptos.
  • Crypto prices are also using 3 decimals.
  • Easily addable cryptocurrencys.

Mentionable changelogs


  • The code now is written in Typescript, not Javascript.
  • Using crypting-up api for the prices, which is updating more frequently.
  • I raised the 60000 update interval to five minutes, we can not just flood a free crypto api a millions of times per day.
  • Sometimes the NUI did not update with the serverside events.
  • Lodash set html, so we basically have one event to modify the NUI frontend.
  • And many other small things, which do not worth mentioning.


  • mysql dependency updated to mysql2 (more updated, less errors)
  • Entire crypto got rewrited, now it is more stable.
  • Marketcaps now only querying the mysql when the server stars.
  • Marketcaps now update realtime when you buy/sell any crypto.
  • Export functions has changed a bit, only removeBank/addBank got removed instead we use setBank.
  • Notification event changed to export function, and it is handled by one function under the Player class (Player.Notification)
  • Shitty formatting in the html got deleted, it always messed up my thinking (the dots, etc.)
  • Now you can not sell/buy crypto if the dollar value is less then < 1$. (It did not break anything, but there is no point for this low amount of.)
  • NUI (sendCrypto) walletHash did not update when the inserted a non exist target id.
  • Some decimal fixes were also made, so it will not give you a huge number 0.0000111111 etc.
  • Another export functions are added, if someone wants to add functions to another resource (lua)
  • config.lua only loads serverside now.
  • and other backend things.