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Installing & dependencies.


You need to have a basic understanding of .lua programming to get started.

Inventories are not drag & drop and play resources.


  • oxmysql (or you can modify the sql export functions)
  • Server version atleast 4752. (to support lua54 & escrow)

If you have ESX framework follow the ESX INSTALLATION steps.

Installation steps

  1. Extract the .zip and copy the folder in your resources folder.
  2. Import the .sql file into your database.
  3. Modify the CONFIG.IS_VEHICLE_EXIST function in the config.lua
  4. Modify the getIdentifier, getJobGrade and other functions in the aquiver-lib (if your framework is not recognized when you start the script)
  5. start avp_grid_inventory


We have needed this function to only create the trunks & glovebox for the vehicles which are exist on the server eg. not Ped vehicles.

Basically, in this function you have to check that the plate what the player is trying to access is valid on the serverside or not. (We have an example function already in the code implemented)