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Installing & dependencies.


  • NodeJS (for installing with npm.)
  • Server version atleast 4752. (to support lua54 & escrow)
  • Aquiver module supported framework & mysql resource. See: Aquiver module compatibles
  • Game version should not matter, but we used the latest 2612 version. (For more objects to be present.)


  1. Extract the .zip and copy the folder in your fivem resources folder.
  2. Install the npm dependencies, by starting the install_dep.bat. path: dev/install_dep.bat
  3. Import the .sql file into your database.
  4. Modify the locales inside. path: source-files/shared/shared-translations.ts
  5. Set your framework and sql resource in the server.ts file.
  6. Set your framework in the client.ts file.
  7. Modify the object prices. path: source-files/shared/objects.json
  8. Compile the typescript files to javascript. path: dev/compile.bat
  9. start housebuilder

Aquiver module config

Module server config
import * as Aquiver from "@aquiversdk/server";

Aquiver.Config.Framework = "ESX_LEGACY";
Aquiver.Config.SqlDebug = false;
Aquiver.Config.sqlResource = "oxmysql";
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.selectedAccount = "bank";
/** If less objects (wall,floor,etc.) placed then the value, then the player will not be able to enter the house. */
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.MinimumObjectToEnterHouse = 30;
// How many houses can a player own.
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.MaximumOwnableHouse = 3;
/** Set what type of group needed for the /ahouse command and for other functions. */
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.NeededPermission = "admin";
/** Selectable:
* "only-owned": Show only player owned houses.
* "every": Show every blips on map.
* "sold": Show sold houses on map.
* "buyable": Show only buyable houses on map.
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.ShowBlips = "buyable";
/** Allow house key owners to build the house. */
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.keyOwnersAbleBuild = false;
Module client config
import * as Aquiver from "@aquiversdk/client";
Aquiver.Config.Framework = "ESX_LEGACY";

/** Enable or Disable GTA native map during editor. */
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.DisplayRadarInEditor = false;

/** These are NodeJS Intervals, this is measured in MS(milisecond), reduce or increase this to gain or loss performance.
* Check the functions before modifying them, you can make major issues with it.
Aquiver.Config.ResourceExtra.Performance = {
CursorTickerMS: 15, // Updating Cursor position.
DoorCheckerMS: 1000, // Updating streamed doors.
ObjectSelectingMS: 85, // Object selecting render speed.
PlacingPropRenderMS: 85, // Placing props render. (This is raycast, so its expensive.)
PlacingPropBindsMS: 1, // This is also placing props render with the camera movements and keybinds.

DoorDistance: 10 // Vector3<->Vector3 distance to render the doors & markers.