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Registering items

Define & register items.



We have our custom item definer system. You will not need to add your items in the MySQL.
This function will take care the item datas, such as weight and the use functions, etc.

Example of item registering
item = 'bread', -- image name and main item name
formatname = 'KenyΓ©r', -- formatted name
type = 'food', -- (Does not matter, but we wanted this so we can loop through the player inventory and find the foods easily.)
tradable = true, -- player can drop & put items into storages like glovebox. (IF TRUE)
candelete = true, -- delete item on death?
weight = 1.25, -- weight / quantity
stackable = true, -- is this item stackable? example: weapons are not
description = 'Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking.', -- item description
model = 'v_ret_247_swtcorn2', -- item drop model
}, function(source, item, slot)
local identifier = Config.getIdentifier(source)
if not AquiverInventories[identifier] then return end
Config.DebugMsg(string.format('(player:%s) %s used on slot %s', source, item, slot))

local success = AquiverInventories[identifier].removeItemAtSlot(slot, 1)
if success then
Config.DebugMsg('Removed one amount from the bread.')

Using defineItem as an export function​

You can use this function in other resources also with the export function, but keep in mind, if the inventory is not loaded yet and some other resource wants to register with the function, then it will not happen. If you want it to be loaded first in other resource, then simply define a dependency in your other resource's fxmanifest.lua.

fxmanifest.lua (other resource)
dependencies {'av_inventory'}