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Basic things to know about the Roulette.



This resource is standalone, so it is not linked to any framework, comes from that you will need to adjust some functions to fit your server, explanations below.


The script is written in Typescript, so you will have to compile the server and clientside in order to make the script start.

Version 1.0 vs 2.0


  • The script is written in Typescript, many things are simplified and easier to manage (the winners and other things).
  • Missing Roulette sound effects are now added. (Ball popping, and others.)
  • We have a log system now when we are sitting at the table. (We know what bets were put in the round, and other things.)
  • More editable config. (Number multipliers, load default ipl, etc.)
  • We can hide the table bets now with key V.
  • Added big pile of chips after +10000 chips bets, we had bad times when the big pots were on the tables. (Thats why we added the ability to hide the object(s).)
  • Changed the CEF UI a little bit, now you can see three things: Your owned chips, Your bets in the round(all), the current bet input (what you will put with the click).
  • We fixed the min&max bets, now they are functional and you can not bet more than the limit or less.
  • We added a DrawText3D to the tables. (shows: Time, Status message, Min & Max limits)